Friday, March 25, 2022


Higher order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, or returns a function, or both. We are used to passing as function parameters simple objects like integers or strings, or more complex objects like collections and custom types. This kind of general higher-order function is already available in the Python standard library. It is called map(…) and it is one of several commonly used higher-order functions defined there. In the following, we will go through the three most important list-related functions defined there, called map(…), reduce(…), and filter(…). In this example an anonymous function which takes two arguments, an integer '$rate' and a decimal '$amount' is bound to the '$tax_rate' variable.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Higher order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments

'$rate' is divided by 100 and then multiplied by '$amount'. Two other anonymous functions are also defined and bound to '$income_tax' and '$luxury_tax' respectively. ' is used to indicate that the argument will be specified later. The function call is followed by ($amount) indicating that the value passed to '$income_tax' or '$luxury_tax' should be passed to $tax_rate and used as the 'non specified' argument.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - We are used to passing as function parameters simple objects like integers or strings

A function that takes other functions as arguments is often called a higher order function. As you can see, the function definition specifies two parameters; the first one is for passing a function that takes a string and returns either a new string from it or some other value. The second parameter is for passing along a list of strings. In line 7, we call our function with using str.upper for the first parameter and a list with three words for the second parameter.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - This kind of general higher-order function is already available in the Python standard library

The word list intentionally uses different forms of capitalization. Upper() is a string method that turns the string it is called for into all upper-case characters. Since this a methodand not a function, we have to use the name of the class as a prefix, so "str.upper". It is important that there are no parentheses () after upper because that would mean that the function will be called immediately and only its return value would be passed to applyToEachString(…). In object-oriented programming languages that do not support higher-order functions, objects can be an effective substitute. An object's methods act in essence like functions, and a method may accept objects as parameters and produce objects as return values.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - It is called map and it is one of several commonly used higher-order functions defined there

Objects often carry added run-time overhead compared to pure functions, however, and added boilerplate code for defining and instantiating an object and its method. Languages that permit stack-based (versus heap-based) objects or structs can provide more flexibility with this method. Map function, found in many functional programming languages, is one example of a higher-order function. It takes as arguments a function f and a collection of elements, and as the result, returns a new collection with f applied to each element from the collection. Kotlin language has superb support for functional programming. Kotlin functions can be stored in variables and data structures, passed as arguments to and returned from other higher-order functions.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In the following

So Maybe is a polymorphic type which is either Just a, or Nothing. Many programming problems have edge cases where there is no well-defined answer. In such cases, we can say that we're dealing with a partial function , because the domain of our function only partially maps to the codomain . In other words, there are values in our domain for which the function does not produce a value in the codomain.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In this example an anonymous function which takes two arguments

In other, other words, there are inputs to our function which are technically valid , but which can't produce an output that really makes any sense. Unsurprisingly, this function takes a list, and returns its head. But what should we return in the case of the empty list?

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters -

An empty list can't really be said to have a head… or a tail for that matter. In some languages, this might be handled by throwing a runtime exception . In others, this might be handled by returning a Null value. With null values, the programmer must take extra care to check whether their return value is null before they try to use it. If they don't, again we're likely to see runtime exceptions.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Two other anonymous functions are also defined and bound to

The way Elm handles this, while avoiding those pesky runtime exceptions, is to encode this uncertainty into a type. With the Maybe type, the (non-)existence of a value is reflected plainly and completely in the type, and we're forced to handle the case where we don't get back any meaningful value. To demonstrate this, let's look at how head is implemented. We can achieve even more expressive power in our programs by creating functions whose returned values are themselves functions. An important feature of lexically scoped programming languages is that locally defined functions maintain their parent environment when they are returned. The following example illustrates the utility of this feature.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters -

Common features in functional programming include passing functions around as parameters to other functions, and returning new functions as a result! In a strict theoretical sense, a Higher Order Function takes one or more functions as arguments, and possibly also returns a function as a result. Kotlin functions are first-class, which means they can be stored in variables and data structures, and can be passed as arguments to and returned from other higher-order functions.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters

You can perform any operations on functions that are possible for other non-function values. ByJuan Cruz MartinezA higher order function is a function that either takes a function as an argument or returns a function. This type of function has implementations in many programming languages including Go, JavaScript, Python, etc; and they trend to be a questions used during interviews.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - A function that takes other functions as arguments is often called a higher order function

In other words, F# treats the function keyword as an anonymous function that takes one parameter and returns one value. The getPrice2 function actually returns an anonymous function; arguments passed to getPrice2 are actually applied and evaluated by the anonymous function instead. You might have noticed that fold() is defined in curried form, with two argument lists. The reason it's defined like this is to allow inference of the parameter types of its function argument.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - As you can see

After these nested function definitions, the expression return iter_improve in the body of the square_root function needs to be evaluated. The name update, which is passed as an argument to iter_improve , is looked up and resolved to the newly defined function. An important part of all functional programming languages is the ability to take a function you defined and then pass it as a parameter to another function. This in turn binds that function parameter to a variable which can be used like any other variable within the function. A function that can accept other functions transported around that way is named a higher order function.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - The second parameter is for passing along a list of strings

Higher order functions are a powerful means of abstraction and one of the best tools to master in Erlang. You've already seen a gaggle of functions that take other functions, the more prominent being, _.reduce, and _.filter. All of these functions adhere to the definition of higher-order.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In line 7

However, simply showing a few uses of each is insufficient for getting a feel for the importance of function-taking functions in functional programming. Therefore, I'll spend some time talking more about functions that take functions, and tie the practice together with a discussion of closures. Once again, whenever showing code utilizing a closure, I will capitalize the variable name of the captured value. It bears repeating that the capitalization of captured variables is not a recommended practice, but it serves well for book writing. Simply speaking, if we call a function with too few parameters, we get back a partially applied function, meaning a function that takes as many parameters as we left out.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - The word list intentionally uses different forms of capitalization

Using partial application is a neat way to create functions on the fly so we can pass them to another function or to seed them with some data. When passing anonymous functions as parameters, place them inside the parentheses. The shorthand syntax that allows you to leave the function outside the parentheses works only for lambda expressions. Despite this conceptual extension of what a function means, our environment model of how to evaluate a call expression extends gracefully to the case of higher-order functions, without change. When a user-defined function is applied to some arguments, the formal parameters are bound to the values of those arguments in a new local frame.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Upper is a string method that turns the string it is called for into all upper-case characters

In this example the first argument of the 'for-each' function is the sequence 1 to 5 i.e. . The second argument is an inline function which takes an 'item' as an argument and returns a sequence of items. The function passed as the second argument is applied to each item in the sequence of the first argument, and multiplies it by 10. Many times, when you're working with higher-order functions, you may see the use of inline anonymous functions . In some of the examples we've seen above, I've used this format.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Since this a methodand not a function

In addition to that, I've also used the more explicit version of defining the function first and then passing it to our higher-order function. More often than not, you'll see the inline lambda version in frameworks that make heavy use of higher-order functions. They're just creating a simple function, without a name, and using that in place of where you'd have given the stand-alone function name. This means that the language treats functions as first-class citizens.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - It is important that there are no parentheses  after upper because that would mean that the function will be called immediately and only its return value would be passed to applyToEachString

In other words, the language treats functions like it does variables. Most modern languages these days have this feature by default. All you really need to know is that a function can be passed around and used much like variables are. By the definition, a higher order function is a function that takes one or more function as argument orreturns a function as result.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In object-oriented programming languages that do not support higher-order functions

This is one of the very important concept of functional programming. There so many built-in higher order functions are available in Python. You will very likely encounter it in other programming languages or other computer science courses. However, libraries do exist that provide quite flexible functional programming abstractions in JavaScript.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - An object

Folds can be used to implement any function where you traverse a list once, element by element, and then return something based on that. Whenever you want to traverse a list to return something, chances are you want a fold. That's why folds are, along with maps and filters, one of the most useful types of functions in functional programming. Mapping and filtering is the bread and butter of every functional programmer's toolbox. Recall how we solved the problem of finding right triangles with a certain circumference. With imperative programming, we would have solved it by nesting three loops and then testing if the current combination satisfies a right triangle and if it has the right perimeter.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Objects often carry added run-time overhead compared to pure functions

If that's the case, we would have printed it out to the screen or something. In functional programming, that pattern is achieved with mapping and filtering. You make a function that takes a value and produces some result. We map that function over a list of values and then we filter the resulting list out for the results that satisfy our search. Another difference between lambda expressions and anonymous functions is the behavior of non-local returns. A return statement without a label always returns from the function declared with the fun keyword.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Languages that permit stack-based versus heap-based objects or structs can provide more flexibility with this method

This means that a return inside a lambda expression will return from the enclosing function, whereas a return inside an anonymous function will return from the anonymous function itself. In Raku, all code objects are closures and therefore can reference inner "lexical" variables from an outer scope because the lexical variable is "closed" inside of the function. Raku also supports "pointy block" syntax for lambda expressions which can be assigned to a variable or invoked anonymously. Now we've seen how higher-order functions permit us to manipulate these general methods to create further abstractions. Subsequently, the name sqrt_update resolves to this newly defined function, which is passed as an argument to improve.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Map function

Within the body ofimprove, we must apply our update function to the initial guess x of 1. This final application creates an environment for sqrt_update that begins with a local frame containing only x, but with the parent frame sqrt still containing a binding for a. The first line inside the body of the getOps defines a local function doubler. The second line defines another local function tripler.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - It takes as arguments a function f and a collection of elements

Finally, the if expression returns an appropriate local function depending on the value of c. Later, we call the getOpsfunction and assign the returned value to d. The variable d holds a function that we call as the last line. Functions are an integral part of many programming languages, and JavaScript is not an exception. In JavaScript, functions are the first-class citizens. You create them, assign them as a value, pass them as arguments to other functions, also return them as a value from a function.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Kotlin language has superb support for functional programming

The actual rule is that the decorator symbol @ may be followed by an expression (@trace1 is just a simple expression consisting of a single name). The call check_range would return a function that would then be applied to the newly defined function before it is bound to the name in the def statement. In Kotlin, a function which can accepts a function as parameter or can returns a function is called Higher-Order function. Instead of Integer, String or Array as a parameter to function, we will pass anonymous function or lambdas. Frequently, lambdas are passed as parameter in Kotlin functions for the convenience. Some of the arguments to higher-order functions are restricted to data.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Kotlin functions can be stored in variables and data structures

A lambda expression basically defines a function without giving it a name using the format (there's a good first principles discussion on Lambda functions here at RealPython). These methods use closures to allow us to pass in functionality that can then determine how we want the method to sort, map, filter, or reduce an array of objects. In the previous episode, you learned about function types and what it means for Swift to have first-class functions. With these concepts in mind, we continue exploring the functional features of the Swift programming language.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - So Maybe is a polymorphic type which is either Just a

In this episode, we explore pure functions and higher-order functions. CompIn the previous Section, we defined a programming language by introducing the elements of the programming language incrementally. We first defined $L1$ which consists of primitive atomic data types , the possibility to define global variables and recursive combinations of primitive operations.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - Many programming problems have edge cases where there is no well-defined answer

Functions that take other functions as parameters or which return functions are called higher-order functions. They are called "higher-order" because they are functions which operate on other functions. Higher-order functions are a very powerful feature and central to the functional programming paradigm.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In such cases

In this Scheme example, the higher-order function is used to implement currying. The evaluation of the expression ( 7) first returns a function after evaluating . Then, it evaluates the returned function with 7 as the argument, returning 10. This is equivalent to the expression , since is equivalent to the curried form of . Locally defined functions also have access to the name bindings in the scope in which they are defined. In this example,sqrt_update refers to the name a, which is a formal parameter of its enclosing function sqrt.

HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS with two parameters - In other words

Friday, January 7, 2022

How To Find The Area Of A Half Circle

Let's jump to number one on our area of a semicircle worksheet. In this case we are given the distance from the middle of the circle to the outer edge which is known as the radius. We know that the radius is equal to 6 inches because it's given to us in order to solve using the formula. We're going to take our radius which is 6 inches and substitute it in for r into the formula. We take area equals pi times the radius which in this case is 6 squared and then divided by 2.

how to find the area of a half circle - Lets jump to number one on our area of a semicircle worksheet

First thing we do according to order of operations is 6 squared so 6 times 6 which is 36 and then we're going to divide by 2. The Area of a Semicircle is all of the area that is inside of a semicircle. The way you find the Area of a Semicircle is similar to how you find the area of a circle. Usually you find the area of a semicircle using radius but sometimes you will have to find the Area of a Semicircle with diameter.

how to find the area of a half circle - In this case we are given the distance from the middle of the circle to the outer edge which is known as the radius

The diameter is twice as long as the radius, or the radius is half of the diameter. The formula for how to find Area of a Semicircle is area equals pi times the radius squared then divided by two. If you have the area of a semicircle with diameter that means that you have to divide the diameter by two to get the radius.

how to find the area of a half circle - We know that the radius is equal to 6 inches because its given to us in order to solve using the formula

Once you have the radius you can use the Area of a Circle formula. When simplifying you need to do follow the order of operations. You must square the radius and then multiply it times pi and then finally divide by two.

how to find the area of a half circle - Were going to take our radius which is 6 inches and substitute it in for r into the formula

So far, we have found area for rectangles, triangles, trapezoids, and circles. An irregular figure is a figure that is not a standard geometric shape. Its area cannot be calculated using any of the standard area formulas. But some irregular figures are made up of two or more standard geometric shapes. To find the area of one of these irregular figures, we can split it into figures whose formulas we know and then add the areas of the figures. The next problem on our area of a semi-circle worksheet we're going to talk about how to find the area of a semi-circle with diameter.

how to find the area of a half circle - We take area equals pi times the radius which in this case is 6 squared and then divided by 2

We know that the area of a semi-circle is pi times the radius squared and then divided by 2. To get the radius all you do is you take the diameter divide by 2. So 3 divided by 2 is 1.5 feet so now we know the radius is 1.5 and then you follow the same procedure that you did in the previous problem. You take the radius which is 1.5 and you substitute it in where r used to be. Area is equal to pi times the radius which is 1.5 squared and then you're going to divide it by 2.

how to find the area of a half circle - First thing we do according to order of operations is 6 squared so 6 times 6 which is 36 and then were going to divide by 2

The only extra step in finding the area of a circle with the diameter is having to divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius. Πr² is the formula for finding the area of a circle. To find the area of a semicircle just divide the answer by two. So take the radius, square it, which in this case would be 100, multiply it by π [pi (3.14)] and divide it by two.

how to find the area of a half circle - The Area of a Semicircle is all of the area that is inside of a semicircle

The Area of a Semicircle is the area that is within a semicircle. Typically you discover the area of a semicircle by utilizing the radius of the semicircle, however you can discover the Area of a Semicircle with diameter. The diameter is twice the length of the radius, in other words, the radius is half of the diameter. The equation for how to discover Area of a Semicircle is pi times the radius squared divided by two equals the area. In the event that you have to find the Area of a Semicircle with diameter you have to divide the diameter by two. Then you can utilize the Area of a Semicircle equation.

how to find the area of a half circle - The way you find the Area of a Semicircle is similar to how you find the area of a circle

We also know that a segment formed from the midpoint of the semi circle to the upper right vertex of the square is also the radius of the semi circle. Therefore, it is possible to form a right triangle and generate another expression for the radius based on the Pythagorean theorem. The picture of the radius is illustrated below. If the area of the circle is not equal to that of the triangle, then it must be either greater or less.

how to find the area of a half circle - Usually you find the area of a semicircle using radius but sometimes you will have to find the Area of a Semicircle with diameter

We eliminate each of these by contradiction, leaving equality as the only possibility. We use regular polygons in the same way. Circles can be halved along their diameter to form two semicircles. Calculate the perimeter and area, and also determine the diameter and radius of a semicircle using the provided formulas. Find out what's the height, area, perimeter, circumcircle and incircle radius of the regular triangle with this equilateral triangle calculator.

how to find the area of a half circle - The diameter is twice as long as the radius

Here, we have discussed the programs to find the area and perimeter of semicircle in C, C++, Java, C#, PHP, python, and JavaScript. Hope you find the article helpful and informative. It is more generally true that the area of the circle of a fixed radius R is a strictly decreasing function of the curvature. The area of a regular polygon is half its perimeter times the apothem.

how to find the area of a half circle - The formula for how to find Area of a Semicircle is area equals pi times the radius squared then divided by two

As the number of sides of the regular polygon increases, the polygon tends to a circle, and the apothem tends to the radius. This suggests that the area of a disk is half the circumference of its bounding circle times the radius. Term Definition Area Area is the space within the perimeter of a two-dimensional figure. Circle A circle is the set of all points at a specific distance from a given point in two dimensions.

how to find the area of a half circle - If you have the area of a semicircle with diameter that means that you have to divide the diameter by two to get the radius

Diameter Diameter is the measure of the distance across the center of a circle. The diameter is equal to twice the measure of the radius. In either case, finding the perimeter or the area of the quarter circle starts with knowing the circle formulas themselves. We know that the radius of a quarter circle is the same as the radius of the whole circle. That is, it is equal to the radius r that was used in the formula for the circumference. We will break the figure into a rectangle and two semi-circles.

how to find the area of a half circle - Once you have the radius you can use the Area of a Circle formula

The area of the figure will be the sum of the areas of the rectangle and the semicircles. The given figure is irregular, but we can break it into two rectangles. The area of the shaded region will be the sum of the areas of both rectangles. In either case, the cross-section is the same all the way through, like the cylinder. The volume of the prism is the area of the base times the height. So to calculate height, divide the volume of a prism by its base area.

how to find the area of a half circle - When simplifying you need to do follow the order of operations

Forget conventional ways of solving math questions. In DS, Variable approach is the easiest and quickest way to find the answer without actually solving the problem. Remember equal number of variables and independent equations ensures a solution. A semicircle is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle. The full arc of a semicircle always measures 180°. In mathematics, a semicircle is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle.

how to find the area of a half circle - You must square the radius and then multiply it times pi and then finally divide by two

The area of a semicircle is half the area of the circle from which it is made. Any diameter of a circle cuts it into two equal semicircles. In the below figure, the line AC is called the diameter of the circle. The diameter divides the circle into two halves such that they are equal in area.

how to find the area of a half circle - So far

These two halves are referred to as the semicircles. The area of a semicircle is half of the area of a circle. The two endpoints of the semicircle's diameter and the inscribed angle will always form a right triangle inside the semicircle.

how to find the area of a half circle - An irregular figure is a figure that is not a standard geometric shape

Area Of A Half Circle Formula Calculator The angle inscribed in a semicircle is always 90°. The inscribed angle is formed by drawing a line from each end of the diameter to any point on the semicircle. It doesn't matter which point on the length of the arc, the angle created where your two lines meet the arc will always be 90°. The area of a semicircle is always expressed in square units, based on the units used for the radius of a circle.

Area Of A Half Circle Formula Calculator

The area of a semicircle is the space contained by the circle. The area is the number of square units enclosed by the sides of the shape. The tool works as semicircle perimeter calculator as well - e.g., if you want to braid the rug, you can calculate how much lace you'll need.

how to find the area of a half circle - But some irregular figures are made up of two or more standard geometric shapes

In our case, the perimeter equals 10.28 ft. The rectangle has a length of 105[/latex] m and a width of 68[/latex] m. The semi-circles have a diameter of 68[/latex] m, so each has a radius of 34[/latex] m. Moving the slider changes the height of the horizontal line and the area of the shaded region. The answer box shows the shaded area at any time. The plot displays the relationship between the shaded area and the central angle.

how to find the area of a half circle - To find the area of one of these irregular figures

To find arc length, start by dividing the arc's central angle in degrees by 360. Then, multiply that number by the radius of the circle. Finally, multiply that number by 2 × pi to find the arc length. A semicircle is a half circle, formed by cutting a whole circle along a diameter line, as shown above. When a line passes through the center and touches the two ends of the circle, then a semicircle is formed.

how to find the area of a half circle - The next problem on our area of a semi-circle worksheet were going to talk about how to find the area of a semi-circle with diameter

The diameter of a circle divides it into two halves that are referred to as semicircles. A semicircle is the half part of a circle. But before writing the programs, let's first see a brief description of the semicircle and the formulae to find its area and perimeter.

how to find the area of a half circle - We know that the area of a semi-circle is pi times the radius squared and then divided by 2

In this article, we will discuss the program to find the area and perimeter of semicircle in different programming languages. We can stretch a disk to form an ellipse. Because this stretch is a linear transformation of the plane, it has a distortion factor which will change the area but preserve ratios of areas. This observation can be used to compute the area of an arbitrary ellipse from the area of a unit circle. We have seen that by partitioning the disk into an infinite number of pieces we can reassemble the pieces into a rectangle.

how to find the area of a half circle - To get the radius all you do is you take the diameter divide by 2

This is called Tarski's circle-squaring problem. The nature of Laczkovich's proof is such that it proves the existence of such a partition but does not exhibit any particular partition. For, a perpendicular to the midpoint of each polygon side is a radius, of length r.

how to find the area of a half circle - So 3 divided by 2 is 1

And since the total side length is greater than the circumference, the polygon consists of n identical triangles with total area greater than T. Again we have a contradiction, so our supposition that C might be less than T must be wrong as well. The triangle has a base of 5.5 inches and a height of 4 inches. The diameter of the circle matches the base of the triangle. The triangle has a base of 7 inches and a height of 6 inches.

how to find the area of a half circle - You take the radius which is 1

The triangle has a base of 5 inches and a height of 4 inches. Next, recognize that you have been given a diameter and need to divide that by 2 to get the radius. The problem states that the diameter of the circle is the same as the width of the rectangle, 3 feet.

how to find the area of a half circle - Area is equal to pi times the radius which is 1

Here you will find a range of free printable area sheets and support, which will help your child to learn to work out the area of different semi circles. This inscribed angle is formed by drawing a line from each end of the diameter to any point on the semicircle. The perimeter of a quarter circle is a little trickier. It includes two segments that are the radius of the quarter circle, added with the curved part that is the outside of the circle. How to Find the Area of a SemicircleTo find the area of a semi-circle, you need to know the formula for the area of a circle. This is because, a semi-circle is just the half of a circle and hence the area of a semi-circle is the area of a circle divided by 2.

how to find the area of a half circle - The only extra step in finding the area of a circle with the diameter is having to divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius

The area of a semi-circle with radius r, is (πr2)/2. Π is a constant which is approximately 3.14 or 22/7. Okay, what about a semicircle with a 10-foot diameter?

how to find the area of a half circle - r is the formula for finding the area of a circle

We need the radius of our area formula, but this diagram gives us the diameter. Remember from earlier, though, that the radius of a circle is half its diameter. So in this case, the radius is 10/2, or 5 feet long. Now, we can plug values into our formula. The perimeter of a semicircle is half the original circle's circumference, C, plus the diameter, d. To find the area of a semicircle with diameter, divide the diameter by 2 to find the radius, and then apply the area of a semicircle formula.

how to find the area of a half circle - To find the area of a semicircle just divide the answer by two

Remember to state your answer in units squared. Since you're finding the area of a shape, you'll have to use units square d in your answer to indicate that you're working with a two-dimensional object. A high school track is shaped like a rectangle with a semi-circle on each end. The rectangle has length 105[/latex] meters and width 68[/latex] meters. Find the area enclosed by the track. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

how to find the area of a half circle - So take the radius


Higher order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments, or returns a function, or both. We are used to passing as...